TA improvements

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TA improvements

Post by Wotan » Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:44 pm


First off, I gotta say great work here - really looking forward to this.

I'd like to throw out a couple of suggestions that would improve mod gameplay once your ready tom implement:

Tree / feature crushing. This one is crucial and should greatly improve pathfinding for larger units. I add a unit tag that allows units to move over / crush trees like Spring.

Invisible weapon SFX. TA always creates a small FX when a weapon hits the ground / target, etc. Making it invisible (if you chose not to use explosion animations) might help with the above item, if weapon is needed to crush trees.

MUATs - Flying Transports should be able to carry mulitple units - is it possble to simply allow flying units to use the same transport code as ships?

Subs that can fire missile weapons (at least when surfaced)

Sub / surface footprints. Having underwater units function on a different level (like air) so that surface units can pass over them would be very nice. Assuming this would be diffiuclt though with units like the Triton / Croc that would move onto land?

Shared allied, full color LOS. TADR 1.01 now has this function for multiplayer - very cool.

Teleportation - another Cavedog feature that almost made it, but was never finished.

Optional landing on air pads for aircraft - sometimes, air units do not need to land on pads and should ignore air pads even when damaged.

setspeed on terrian type - some units should go slower / faster depending where they are (water vs land etc.)

None of these ideas should affect Core gameplay in negative / non-ta way. Other than tree / feature crusing as an option nothing is really critical. More than anything correcting these 'TA holes' will greatly expand mod support and potential for this engine.

Good stuff :)

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